Products and partners

Frye Electronics has leaped ahead of the competition with a new, revolutionary audiometer built into an Android Tablet. With an intuitive touch-based interface that mimics the controls of a traditional audiometer, the FONIX COLT Audiometer is easy to use for both beginning and experienced clinicians.
Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential (CAEP) measurements are used to detect whether particular sounds produce an electrical response in a patient’s brain. HEARLab provides the hearing health professional with an easy-to-use method of performing this measurement.
Speech and language acquisition delay is one of the most common neuro-development difficulties in early childhood. Early detection of hearing disorders is crucial for an early treatment. Contrary to NHS, preschool hearing screening tests should provide more frequency-specific and quantitative information on hearing loss. For the first time a hand held, portable lightweighted device combines Tone & speech audiometry, TEOAE, DPOAE & ABR.
The complete combination of diagnostic features on a reliable platform with sophisticated accessories! Automated Audiograms based on patented DPOAE Threshold Estimation – combined with FMDPOAE (TM)! Cutting edge research implemented in an easy to use workflow! Software modules included: Audiometry class 3 (air and masking), Diagnostic tympanometry including reflexes and ETF tests, DPOAE Quick, DPOAE Diagnostic (incl. FMDPOAE and DPOAE High Resolution), DPOAE Threshold, Download to MIRA software (SW COM), pdf direct print.
Help ensure reliable hearing aid performance.
Your Starkey hearing aids need a steady power supply from a quality hearing aid battery in order to run effectively. Even subtle changes in a battery’s output can mean the difference between clear performance and poor volume or noise control.